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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Girl Night

Both my roommates are out of town for the evening and I unlocked the door to a very dark, large, cold and empty house. Today was cold and rainy here in Portland, and it seemed to slow down business. That and everyone on their last minute vacations before school starts back next Tuesday. I was only 40% booked for my 10 hour shift, but by the time I got off work, my sniffly nose and scratchy eyes decided to head to the grocery store for some cookies, frozen pizzas, and finally a dang lighter to light these awesome scented candles! Finally I made it home, and realized, although my roommates and I don't spend every second together when we are all home, it's nice knowing they're here. I guess I feel a bit protected when my two men are around. But, I lit a fresh scented candle, popped my pizza in the microwave, grabbed a box of cookies, and sunk into the couch. The only sound is the buzzing from all the electronics. Then I proceeded to grab my tweezers to pluck all the hair splinters out from my feet. SICK.

I had all four clients today ask me if I was finding it easy to make friends, and what I was doing to meet people. I responded with "well, I'm looking to join some groups, and get back into yoga regularly, maybe take some baking classes". But then I realized, that besides trying to make clients to boost my income, I think I'm very OK with the idea that, "hey, I just moved here FOUR weeks today! who has time for all that?? Especially without a car." It's a constant battle with myself, I know I'm just making excuses. Sure, I do want to do all those things, but it seems the best candidate for a "group" is a stay at home mom. Craigslist is FLOODED with "Play Date for my 18 month girl!" and "Mommies only group!" There was even one that said "No children necessary to join our group, but must be over 26 and submit a photo". Really??

I'm very much looking forward to getting back into my yoga routine. I found a hot yoga studio down the street from my job. It will feel amazing and rewarding in this cool weather. I just feel bad for whoever has to sit next to me on the bus... I was looking into gym memberships last night, but I think I rather spend my $100 a month detoxing and sweating it out, while relaxing in hot yoga. Much better than going to a gym by yourself and feeling like you're being watched and judged. And I much rather make friends with yogis than jocks.

Just found out today that since it's the Decade of Dosha, we're having a dinner/party with ALL the Doshas (about 300 employees) on September 15 after work. Even though a few co-workers don't seem that excited, I'm secretly PUMPED! I get to get all dressed up and socialize with my Aveda family! Kind of ironic how it falls on my only girlfriend in Portland's birthday... But we'll have plenty of celebration time! I'm also pretty excited on the large amount of bands/comedy who will be coming through town soon: The Black Keys, She and Him, Trailer Park Boys, Avett Bros (were here last night), Vampire Weekend, Adam Carolla, of course the Decemberists, and Daniel Tosh (Tosh.0) I believe I'm going to go broke with all of these amazing events, but hey, why not?!

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