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Monday, August 30, 2010

Still Discovering...

My closest friend (and now literally), Megan, gave me two very honest tips when she found out I was also moving all the way across the country:

1- "It's not always going to be rainbows and butterflies." Referring to my very positive attitude and excitement to move far, far away.

2- "You'll discover so much about yourself, and not all of it you'll like."

Now don't get me wrong, I know some of those tips can sound discouraging, but Megan's very far from discouraging. (I'm pretty sure she was encouraging me the most so that her friend of 21 years would be in the same time zone with her again!) The truth is, she knows me and my personality (we're born 2 days apart) pretty much better than anyone else. Actually, I think I could very much say she DOES know me better than anyone else. Without her and her amazing support, I probably couldn't have made it all the way here with a head left on my shoulders. But those are definitely the two of many tips that stand very clear in my mind.

Especially this past week.

It hasn't rained the whole time I've been here. I'm going right on to 4 weeks now, and it's been sunny skies and high 70's. The temperature started dropping the other day and I instantly froze. Not literally, but my mind did. "What is this sunshine girl doing in this overcast city??" That's usually when my little mind, given any free time, will drift on over to NC and wonder what I would be doing over there, with the warm weather and family and friends. My daddy just found a puppy and I was jealous I couldn't even go out to Petsmart and bring home tons of little toys for it to destroy. Shoot, I can't even go to Petsmart here and mail them to him because I have NO idea where it is, and getting there would probably drain my brain, and when you have to go through so much just to get to a freakin' store, you learn what's necessary and what's not! (More on that later) Then, on Saturday, I didn't have to be at work until 3, so I get a call asking if I want to get on Skype with my mama. OF COURSE! So we set it up and there's my adorable little mama. We talked about her new outfit, she lectured me on why my face is breaking out... Pretty much nothing has changed in the past month, except the fact I have to see her on a computer screen. I can't crawl into her lap and cry when I'm upset. I can't hug her when I get home from work. I can't give my daddy a goodnight kiss every night. And that makes me very, very sad. The reason my mama was at my sister's house on the computer is because (well, besides the fact she's burning up the road in my new car!) my brother in law, Jeramie, turned 30 and they were having a family gathering on Saturday. Boo. I'm so happy they got to celebrate such a wonderful occasion, and I'm so happy my mama was available to be there physically and love on Ethan, and Jeramie and Joye, but dangit, I want to go, too! I realize it was I who made the decision to move 3000 miles away, and as I had been contemplating it for years and years, this was always my reason of why not to move. I don't regret it by any means, but at times I wish it was just easier to run home for a weekend.
But, there are good times here too! Last night Jackson and I went to a Portland Timbers game. This is a soccer team in Portland that will be a pro team next year. Now there's a lot of bitter people talking about the Timbers. They say they're running the Portland Beavers (baseball) out of town, taking over their field. Well, from what I hear, the crowds at the Beavers games are NOTHING like what I experienced last night. It was amazing. We sat in section 108, and I reckon 107 is the crazy Timbers fans, so we were in the over flow. But what I find pretty interesting is for every person who's bitter because the Beavers are going to be no more, I ask "So, do you go to the Beaver's games often?" "Well, no, I never really have time.." OK, so now do we see what's happening? That's like complaining about gas prices and not having a car. Let's support the team who brings in all the money. And trust me, there was some money being spent there! Two tickets, after Ticketmaster fees- $32, two beers- $16, two more beers and an order of french fries- $21. Dang, I could've had a couple of Grand Slams from Denny's for that! (I tried, but my driver would'nt stop after the game...)

Now for my discoveries...
I have realized I'm a carnivore. ::GASP:: I know this is going to throw some of you for a loop, but I really have no option. I live with a boy that will cook, I am NOT going to be choosy when I get the chance to have someone cook for me! And I'm OK with it. I went so many years not eating any kind of meat, and then slowly turning to the poultry side, but dang, bacon is so good!
I love not to drive. I always thought I loved to drive and never minded being the driver, but then I dumped the loser boyfriend who had a million DUI's and sat back and enjoyed the ride! I take the bus and train all over, and it's very simple with And when we're going out somewhere, my roommates drive. And I'm pretty lucky because they all drive sticks, so if I were needed to drive, I still can't! I haven't been behind the wheel of a car in a month, and it's pretty much amazing. It also saves a TON of money. No gas (it's $3.15/gal here) and you really have to think and realize how important the things are that you need to go to Target for. You have to map out your ride, find $2 for the bus, try to make it back within two hours so you don't have to buy another ticket. So yeah, if you need a pair of tweezers to clean up your hairy eyebrows, they may just wait a couple more days until you can get a ride!
I like crowds. I never thought I liked being in the middle of crowds, or squished between people, but here I don't mind it. I've been given a fresh start and a clean slate. I only know about 8 people in this WHOLE city, all the other hundreds of thousand people don't know me. I don't stand out, I'm not being judged. Why not get in the middle of that crowd and cheer on the winning team and act like a fool??
I love mornings. The boys in the house are usually asleep until later, or not here. Back home I use to sleep until I absolutely had to get up and rush out the door to work. Now I get up early, without an alarm, eat my cereal (if I have milk), and catch up on the computer, or watch some TV. I just take my time to do things now. It's easy livin' I guess you could say!
I'm pretty sure all these discoveries are linked to each other, which in time will make me a better person. I do feel better about myself, and my healthier lifestyle, and I'm having a great time, even with the homesick-ness!

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